Welcome to The BPOA
Dedicated to the Preservation and Enhancement of Our Beach Area
The BPOA is a non-profit organization of property owners and residents who are dedicated to the concerns and quality of life in the area situated east of the Intracoastal Waterway in the city of Delray Beach. The BPOA serves as a strong, respected voice in preserving the natural environment of Delray’s beach area, with due consideration to property rights.The BPOA advocates for responsible growth and development in conjunction with the preservation of scenic beauty and our environment. We work closely with city officials and follow issues related to noise control, traffic safety and parking, police and fire protection, the Delray Beach Area Master Plan, and beach and dune preservation.
The BPOA depends on your financial support in order to preserve, protect and advance the interests of its members. The Association’s annual dues are $50. Please mail to the BPOA office below. If you are not a member and are interested in becoming a BPOA member, OUR ANNUAL DUES ARE ONLY $50. CLICK BELOW TO JOIN
Thank you for your interest and support!
Dear BPOA Members,
On behalf of your Board, I would like to extend greetings to our members—and a warm welcome back to those returning from travels and other homes. I am writing to let you know about changes we are making at BPOA that will make us more proactive in our advocacy efforts, more responsive to members’ needs and concerns, and more cost-effective in our in-house operations.
What will not change is our mission—and our pledge to you—to preserve and protect our Barrier Island, and help sustain and enhance the quality of life that drew us here.
BPOA has come a long way since a handful of Barrier Island residents formed a neighborhood association to oppose the construction of a convenience store on A1A in 1967. They succeeded, delivering the first of many accomplishments. Today, we have over 500 members, whose interests we champion daily with city officials, who recognize and appreciate that BPOA gives voice to residents’ concerns and advocates for solutions on their behalf.
BPOA has established four standing committees to help us stay focused on members’ priority needs and to advance our overall mission.
Our Beach Committee is committed to identifying and supporting activities that maintain and enhance our world-class beach. These include projects such as renourishing our beach, preserving the dunes, maintaining beach facilities such as showers and restrooms, and ensuring that Delray Beach retains its designation as one of two Blue Flag beaches in the United States.
Our Public Safety Committee focuses on quality-of-life issues that are primarily addressed by our Police and Fire Rescue Departments. Having open lines of communication with these departments, as well as sharing important information and programs with members, is a key feature of our organization.
The Membership Committee is committed to building our membership base by raising our visibility in the community and communicating our value to prospective members. The larger we grow as an association, the more powerful our collective voices will be in protecting residents’ interests.
The Government Affairs Committee is charged with maintaining contact with our City Manager, the Commission and City staff.
Over the summer, we looked at ways to streamline our back-office functions to achieve greater efficiencies that better serve our members. As a result, we are upgrading our communications technology to provide you with more timely updates and alerts on matters of interest to you. My inaugural “Update From Your BPOA President” that was emailed to you last month is one vehicle we will use to keep you informed.
In the coming months, we are modernizing our membership-renewal process that will make it easier for you to pay your dues and update your contact information. This will also make it easier for new members to join our organization.
As we improve our internal capabilities to better serve members’ current and future needs, our all-volunteer board voted unanimously at its September meeting to raise our association dues from $25 to $50 annually. This is BPOA’s first dues increase since the association was formed in the ‘60s. We can assure you that it will be put to good use to advance our mission.
Finally, communicating is a two-way street. We are always interested in hearing from you and invite you to join our efforts, share your concerns, and get involved in our committees. You can reach us by email at admin@bpoa-drb.com.
I look forward to seeing all of you at our fall meeting.
Hal Stern
Fire Chief’s Presentation